Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Management decisions & control Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Management decisions & control - Essay Example In this line, performance will mean how efficient the school is in using the provided resources, both human and material to produce results that are to be considered closely related to the expected results. The close relationship will result to high performance of the school. In such an environment, the performance will be measured by how well the students are trained to become business professionals and how well they are prepared to face the business environment outside school. Additionally, the use of the available resources and the individual performance of each of the players that makeup the schools determines its performance (Lin & Lee 2011, pp 85-96). Performance of the business school can be brought about by a combination of several factors. It is first important to note that not a single player in the business school is capable of making impressive performance alone. There should be cooperation and collaboration in performance for the overall results to be considered a success. This, therefore, implies that one of the causes of performance in business school is cooperation. According to Berkeley (2007), Cooperation must be present between the administration and the students as well among the managers and the students separately. When there is effective teamwork, each performs at his or her capacity in the institution leading to achievement of a common goal (Berkeley 2007, p 384). Similarly, all operations in the school must be geared towards a common goal that should be emphasized for all to understand. When everyone understands his or her roles and the common goal performance is enhanced. Monitoring and evaluation with a perspective ready to effect change is also necessary to cause performance enhancement. There are various other drivers to performance besides cooperation. First, the business school and all the players in it must be committed towards the achievement of the common goals. Lack of commitment leads to failure in some pillars that

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